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鬼布传说541播放2022-10-24 17:07



一千年前在布利,朝朗让斯曼安排一场纺织比赛来挑选妻子,他朝朗登上王位。在展示纺织品的那一天,Nakhon Pha Ngam的Anyanang Homnuan就在纺织完成之前被勒死。凶手留下的只是她喉咙周围的丝痕。一千年后,鬼迷阿奇是头一个在线捉鬼项目。他邀请了一群朋友杨在,班班和朱尼尔到清迈制作这部剧。他对他的曾祖母撒谎说他只是来参观的,但她对此表示怀疑,并警告他不要进入储藏室。然而,她的话产生了相反的效果,阿奇走进房间,在那里他发现了一小块古老的布。当他与它接触时,Anyanang Homnuan的灵魂出现了,并告诉他,触摸这块布的人必须在三天内找到杀害她的凶手,否则就会灭亡。阿奇和他的朋友们必须一起解决这个问题,以挽救他的生命。 One thousand years ago in Wiang Chai Chet Buri, Chao Luang Rangsiman arranges a weaving competition to select a wife, his Chao Nang Luang on the throne. On the day the textiles are to be presented, Anyanang Homnuan of Nakhon Pha Ngam is strangled to death just before the weaving is finished. All the killer left behind was the silk mark around her throat. One thousand years later, ghost-enthusiast Achi is head of an online ghost-hunting program. He invites a team of friends Young Jae, Bambam, and Junior to Chiang Mai to make the show. He lies to his great-grandmother that he's come just for a visit, but she's doubtful and warns him not to enter the storage room. Her words have the opposite of their intended effect, though, and Achi enters the room where he finds a small, ancient bit of cloth. When he makes contact with it, the spirit of Anyanang Homnuan emerges and tells him that those who touch the cloth must find her killer within three days or perish. Achi and his friends must come together to solve the quest in order to save his life.


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